When Your Bank Or The SBA Can’t Help, We Can!
We know how it can be to be turned down by the banks when your business really needs support to recover slowed revenue and operating costs while moving your business forward. We know what it’s like to be responsible for the incomes of households and not know how you’ll cut their check next week. We know what it’s like to build your dreams and see them begin to crumble because you just can afford the equipment to produce at the rate of the demand for your amazing products. That’s why at Fortify Financial we have partnered with underwriters who offer several nontraditional business funding options.
Our goal is to assist businesses with getting back to business, staying in business and scaling their business by providing the best small business and commercial lending options available without the restrictions most banks have. When the bank says ‘no’ we say ‘yes’!
We offer the following alternative business funding options to support your business when you need it the most
Instant Approval and Fast Funding Options:
Funding up to $25K approval amount. Approximately 75% of Monthly Revenue. Ex: $10,000 Monthly Revenue = 7,500 Advance Offer.
Funding up to $2,000,000 approval amount. Approximately 1-2x of Monthly Revenue. Ex: $50,000 Monthly Revenue = $50,000 -$100,000 Advance Offer.
The minimum qualifications of our providers are less intensive than those of banks. We focus on getting you quick approval and fast capital.
Only need a minimum of 4 months business.
Business can reside anywhere in US
Personal Credit Score must be at least 500+
$15K+ Monthly Revenue. Not doing $15k+ month? Try our Up to 25K Option in Menu Above
Over 700 different industries served
Ready to get funded? Receive your decision in minutes…. Literally.
Complete the online application by clicking below.
During the online application process you will upload 3 months of bank statements (PDF), a voided check, and a copy of your drivers license.
We will provide you with the best funding offers within 1 business day-and as fast as 1 hour.
Apply or schedule a chat!